Disclosure Library

US Brokerage services (not including crypto) are provided by Kingston10 Exchange, Limited. Registration by crypto currency exchanges, like Kingston10 Exchange, Limited, is not required by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Registration by Kingston10 Exchange, Limited is not required by USA SEC Regulators and as such, is not a broker dealer registered with the SEC, nor a Securities Investor Protection Corporation (SIPC) member.

To learn more about your legal rights, protections and coverage, go to www.sipc.org.

Crypto assets are being offered through Kingston10 Exchange, Limited, which is not a registered Broker Dealer, not registered with the SEC or SIPC. Kingston10 Exchange, Limited is a registered member of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) (www.FinCEN.gov) and complies fully with all required financial reporting requirements and regulations governing money laundering.

You can check registered securities firm and its members at  https://www.fincen.gov/financial_institutions/msb/msbstateselector.html.

Crypto currencies are not stocks, nor securities. Your crypto currency assets held on the Kingston10 Exchange, Limited trading platform are not FDIC insured, nor are they covered by SIPC. Buying and selling crypto currency involves risks, including (potentially) full or complete loss of the invested principal.

You can check the securities firm and its members at https://brokercheck.finra.org/.

Deposit of funds or crypto currencies with Kingston10 Exchange, Limited you are depositing funds to be used on our trading platform. When you instruct (via our trading platform, located at https://www.trade.kingston10exchange.com) to buy a crypto asset or security, the proceeds leave your Kingston10 Exchange, Limited account to fund such. When you trade crypto currency, the proceeds to exchange/buy crypto are sent to the blockchain for execution, then, upon successful completion of the transaction, the resulting is returned into your account and wallet on Kingston10 Exchange, Limited’s trading platform. By selecting to BUY, you are instructing these transfers of cash or crypto currency to fund your purchases. When you SELL, you are instructing your settled cash or crypto currency to go back to your account at Kingston10 Exchange, Limited.

Crypto currencies are not stocks, and your crypto currency assets held on the Kingston10 Exchange, Limited trading platform are not FDIC insured, nor are they covered by SIPC. Buying and selling crypto currency involves risks, including (potentially) full or complete loss of the invested principal.

See more detailed disclosure in the documents below…